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GCP Source Plugin Configuration Reference


This example connects a single GCP project to a Postgres destination. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference.

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: "gcp"
  path: "cloudquery/gcp"
  version: "v3.0.5"
  destinations: ["postgresql"]

    # GCP Spec section described below
    project_ids: ["my-project"]

GCP Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by GCP Source Plugin

  • project_ids ([]string) (default: empty. will use all available projects available to the current authenticated account)

    Specify specific projects to connect to. If either folder_ids or project_filter is specified, these projects will be fetched in addition to the projects from the folder/filter.

  • service_account_key_json (string) (default: empty).

    GCP service account key content. Using service accounts is not recommended, but if it is used it is better to use env variable expansion

  • folder_ids ([]string) (default: empty).

    cloudquery will sync from all the projects in the specified folders, recursively. folder_ids must be of the format folders/<folder_id> or organizations/<organization_id>. This feature requires the resourcemanager.folders.list permission. By default cloudquery will also sync from subfolders recursively (up to depth 100) - to reduce this, set folder_recursion_depth to a lower value (or 0 to disable recursion completely). Mutually exclusive with project_filter.

  • folder_recursion_depth (int) (default: 100).

    the maximum depth to recurse into subfolders. 0 means no recursion (only the top-level projects in folders will be used for sync).

  • project_filter (string) (default: empty).

    A filter to determine the projects that are synced. For instance, to only sync projects where the name starts with how-, set project_filter to name:how-*. Another example is: "name:how-* OR name:test-*". For syntax and example queries refer to API Reference here. Mutually exclusive with folder_ids.

Last updated on November 28, 2022