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  • Overview

CloudQuery Azure Source Plugin

The CloudQuery Azure source plugin extracts information from many of the supported services by Microsoft Azure.


The plugin needs to be authenticated with your Azure account in order to fetch information about your cloud setup.

You can either authenticate with az login (when running locally), or by using a "service principal" and exporting environment variables (appropriate for automated deployments).

You can find out more about authentication with Azure at Azure's documentation for the GoLang sdk.

Authentication with az login

First, install the Azure CLI (az). Then, login with the Azure CLI:

az login

You are now authenticated!

Authentication with Environment Variables

You will need to create a service principal for the plugin to use:

Creating a service principal

First, install the Azure CLI (az).

Then, login with the Azure CLI:

az login

Then, create the service principal the plugin will use to access your cloud deployment. WARNING: The output of az ad sp create-for-rbac contains credentials that you must protect - Make sure to handle with appropriate care. This example uses bash - The commands for CMD and PowerShell are similar.

az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Security'

# Create a service-principal for the plugin
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name cloudquery-sp --scopes /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID --role Reader

(you can, of course, choose any name you'd like for your service-principal, cloudquery-sp is just an example. If the service principal doesn't exist it will create a new one, otherwise it will update an existing one)

The output of az ad sp create-for-rbac should look like this:

  "displayName": "cloudquery-sp",
  "tenant": "YOUR AZURE_TENANT_ID"

Exporting environment variables

Next, you need to export the environment variables that plugin will use to sync your cloud configuration. Copy them from the output of az ad sp create-for-rbac (or, take the opportunity to show off your jq-foo). The example shows how to export environment variables for Linux - exporting for CMD and PowerShell is similar.

  • AZURE_TENANT_ID is tenant in the JSON.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID is appId in the JSON.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET is password in the JSON.

Query Examples

Find all MySQL servers

SELECT * FROM azure_mysql_servers;

Find storage accounts that are allowing non-HTTPS traffic

SELECT * from azure_storage_accounts where enable_https_traffic_only = false;

Find all expired key vaults

SELECT * from azure_keyvault_vault_keys where attributes_expires >= extract(epoch from now()) * 1000;
Last updated on November 28, 2022