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  • Okta
  • Overview

Okta Plugin

The CloudQuery Okta plugin extracts Okta resources.


To authenticate CloudQuery with your Okta account you need to set an OKTA_API_TOKEN environment variable or add it the configuration.


In order to get started with the Okta plugin, you need to create a YAML file in your CloudQuery configuration directory (e.g. named okta.yml).

The following example sets up the Okta plugin, and connects it to a postgresql destination:

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: okta
  path: cloudquery/okta
  version: "v1.3.13"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    # Required. Your Okta domain name
    domain: "https://<YOUR_OKTA_DOMAIN>.okta.com/"

    # Optional. Okta Token to access API, you can set this with OKTA_API_TOKEN environment variable
    # ⚠️ Warning - Your token should be kept secret and not committed to source control
    # token: "<YOUR_OKTA_TOKEN>"
  • domain (Required) - Specify the Okta domain you are fetching from. Visit this link to find your Okta domain
  • token (Optional) - Okta Token to access the API. You can set this with an OKTA_API_TOKEN environment variable
Last updated on November 28, 2022