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  • Reference
  • Source Spec Reference

Source Spec Reference

Following are available options for the top level source plugin spec object.

Note: For configuring individual plugins, please refer to the configuration section from the relevant plugins from here. (e.g. AWS plugin configuration). Also check out our recipes for common configuration examples.


This example configures the AWS plugin, and connects is to a postgresql destination:

kind: source
  name: "aws"
  path: "cloudquery/aws"
  version: "v7.2.0"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]




(string, required)

Name of the plugin. If you have multiple source plugins, this must be unique.

The name field may be used to uniquely identify a particular source configuration. For example, if you have two configs for the AWS plugin for syncing different accounts, one may be named aws-account-1 and the other aws-account-2. In this case, the path option below must be used to specify the download path for the plugin.


(string, optional, default: github, available: github, local, grpc)

  • github: CloudQuery will look for and download the plugin from GitHub, and then execute it.
  • local: CloudQuery will execute the plugin from a local path.
  • grpc: mostly useful in debug mode when plugin is already running in a different terminal, CloudQuery will connect to the gRPC plugin server directly without spawning the process.


(string, required)

Configures how to retrieve the plugin. The contents depend on the value of registry (github by default).

  • For plugins hosted on GitHub, path should be of the form "<org>/<repository>". For official plugins, should be cloudquery/<plugin-name>.
  • For plugins that are located in the local filesystem, path should a filesystem path to the plugin binary.
  • To connect to a running plugin via grpc (mostly useful for debugging), path should be the host-port of the plugin (e.g. localhost:7777).


(string, required)

version must be a valid SemVer), e.g. vMajor.Minor.Patch. You can find all official plugin versions under cloudquery/cloudquery/releases, and for community plugins you can find it in the relevant community repository.


([]string, optional, default: ["*"])

Tables to sync from the source plugin. It accepts wildcards. For example, to match all EC2-related tables, : aws_ec2_*. Matched tables will also sync all their descendant tables, unless these are skipped in skip_tables.


([]string, optional, default: [])

Useful when using wildcards in tables. Specify which tables to skip when syncing the source plugin. Note that if a table with dependencies is skipped, all its dependant tables will also be skipped.


([]string, required)

Specify the names of the destinations to sync the data of the source plugin to.


(int, optional, default: 1000000, introduced in CLI v1.4.1)

A best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage.


(object, optional)

Plugin specific configurations. Visit source plugins documentation for more information.

Last updated on November 28, 2022