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  • Plugins
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  • GitHub
  • Overview

GitHub Plugin

The CloudQuery GitHub plugin extracts your GitHub API.


CloudQuery requires only a Personal Access Token. follow this guide on how to create a personal access token for CloudQuery.

CloudQuery requires only read permissions (we will never make any changes to your GitHub account or organizations), so, following the principle of least privilege, it's recommended to grant it read-only permissions.


To configure CloudQuery to extract from github, create a .yml file in your CloudQuery configuration directory. For example, the following configuration will extract information from the cloudquery organization, and connect it to a postgresql destination plugin

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: github
  path: cloudquery/github
  version: "v3.0.5"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    access_token: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE> # Required. Personal Access Token
    orgs: ["cloudquery"] # Required. List of organizations to extract from
Last updated on November 28, 2022